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- /* AddXheader.rexx 1.1 by knikulai@utu.fi
- ** Adds X-Headers from a given file to all messages in the outgoing folder
- ** Check http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html for more scripts or send mail
- ** to knikulai@utu.fi with word 'request' as subject and 'dir' in message body
- **
- ** This version doesn't add same headers many times.
- */
- options results
- headers='YAM:xheaders' /* File to read headers from. Empty lines are ignored */
- /* Header format is _NOT_ checked in any way, it's your */
- /* responsibility */
- tempfile='t:tmp.msg'
- address 'YAM' /* Our favourite program.. */
- if ~open(hdr,headers,'r') then do /* Something went wrong... Is the path correct? */
- 'Request "Could not open' headers'!" "_Ok"'
- exit
- end
- /* Read the header file:*/
- lines=0
- do while ~eof(hdr)
- li=strip(readln(hdr))
- if li~='' then do /* Forget empty lines */
- lines=lines+1
- header.lines=li
- end
- end
- call close(hdr)
- 'SetFolder 1'
- 'GetFolderInfo Max'
- n=result
- if n=0 then do
- 'Request "The Outgoing folder is empty!" "_Ok"'
- exit
- end
- do m=0 to n-1
- 'SetMail' m /* Change message */
- 'GetMailInfo File' /* Get it's filename */
- file=result
- address command 'c:copy' file tempfile /* Copy the message */
- call open(in,tempfile,'r') /* Open copy for reading */
- call open(out,file,'w') /* Open message for rewrite */
- body=0 /* This means we are still in headers */
- add_here=0 /* Add headers when this is 1*/
- do while ~eof(in)
- li=readln(in) /* Read a line from copy */
- if add_here & word(li,1)~=word(header.1,1) & ~body then do
- body=1 /* Make sure we wont do this again */
- do i=1 to lines /* Write all headers */
- call writeln(out,header.i)
- end
- end /* if */
- call writeln(out,li) /* Write the line */
- /* Change the following line and you can decide after which header */
- /* line the new lines are added. */
- if word(li,1)='Message-ID:' & ~body then
- add_here=1
- else
- add_here=0
- end /* do while */
- call close(in) /* Close copy */
- call close(out) /* Close new message */
- end
- address command 'c:delete >nil:' tempfile /* Delete the copy of the last msg */
- exit